No pain on your gain: draft CGT legislation benefits separating couples

No pain on your gain: draft CGT legislation benefits separating couples

The Government has published draft legislation which will introduce two important and welcome changes to the current capital gains tax (CGT) rules under which (a) the period for no gain/no loss transfers between separating and divorcing couples and (b) principal private residence (PPR) relief where one spouse or civil partner leaves the family home is to be extended.

Libralex Art Law Conference: Blockchain & the art market: Hype or revolution?

Libralex Art Law Conference: Blockchain & the art market: Hype or revolution?

On Friday 6 May London’s Christie’s hosted the second Libralex Art Law Conference in collaboration with The International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA) and Christie’s Education: “Blockchain and the Art Market: Hype or Revolution?” with a Keynote Speech from, Christie’s Deputy Chairman of 20th & 21st Century Art EMEA, Dirk Boll.