Victoria Brockley

Upcoming Seminar: Employment and Immigration Law

Upcoming Seminar: Employment and Immigration Law

Sign ups are now open for our upcoming Employment and Immigration seminar! Our very own Employment Partners, Nicholas Lakeland and Victoria Brockley, will delve into the latest updates in Employment Law. This will be followed by our Partner and Head of Immigration, Victoria Welsh, as she analyses the recent amendments to UK Immigration Law and the implications on UK businesses.

Laytons ETL's November Highlights

Laytons ETL's November Highlights

As we head into the hustle and bustle of December, we’re taking a moment to reflect on our firm’s activities and achievements throughout November. It’s been a busy month of knowledge sharing, visits from abroad, and glamorous events!

Laytons ETL's October Highlights

As we reach the end of October, it’s time to reflect on the significant achievements and contributions of Laytons ETL over the last month. It’s been a busy month filled with international conferences, knowledge sharing and team socials! 

Una serie de sesiones que explican lo que debe tener en cuenta cuando desea emplear a personas en el Reino Unido

Una serie de sesiones que explican lo que debe tener en cuenta cuando desea emplear a personas en el Reino Unido

En la primera parte de nuestra serie en español, la socia de derecho laboral Victoria Brockley explica las diferencias entre un empleado, un trabajador y un autónomo.

Laytons ETL se enorgullece de formar parte de ETL Global con una presencia española tan fuerte. Estamos listos para dar la bienvenida a los clientes españoles a Londres.