European Union (EU) product liability rules for artificial intelligence (AI)

European Union (EU) product liability rules for artificial intelligence (AI)

In our article: Laytons Artificial Intelligence (AI) Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and legal liability — Laytons ETL we looked at how the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology leaves us to question whether the English Civil Liability rules of contractual, and extra-contractual liability for loss and damage caused by AI, are fit for purpose.

Russian Sanctions: A review of recent cases before the English High Court

Russian Sanctions: A review of recent cases before the English High Court

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the UK government imposed broader and stricter financial and trade sanctions against Russian nationals and businesses “for the purposes of encouraging Russia to cease actions which destabilise Ukraine, or undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine”.

English Court sanctions Scheme of Arrangement involving overseas company, conflict of laws and Russian sanctions

English Court sanctions Scheme of Arrangement involving overseas company, conflict of laws and Russian sanctions

The English court has recently sanctioned a scheme of arrangement in respect of a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The court had to consider whether the company concerned had a sufficient connection with this jurisdiction to enable the court to sanction the scheme and consider the impact of the Russian sanctions on certain classes of creditors.

Corporate Briefing: UK Financial Services, Brexit & Capital Markets

Corporate Briefing: UK Financial Services, Brexit & Capital Markets

The corporate finance regulatory framework is experiencing seismic shifts as the UK government looks to implement change necessitated or facilitated by Brexit and to maintain and enhance the UK’s position in the global financial marketplace. As we approach the year end, we recap on the status of some of the key changes and developments in the UK’s corporate sector over the past 12 months.